RME ADI-2 Remote 2.0 is ready for download

RME ADI-2 Remote 2.0 is ready for download

The ADI-2 Remote Software Controller provides an easy to understand, intuitive and comprehensive interface to manage all settings and options of the ADI-2 series devices. The application supports the ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 Pro AE (Anniversary Edition), ADI-2 Pro and FS, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE and ADI-2/4 Pro SE.

The ability to control the ADI-2 directly from the software is a welcome addition, not only for those who like to experiment with the ADI-2's countless functions - especially the integrated parametric EQ, loudness on/off and crossfeed - or the DAC's various filter types (SD Sharp, NOS, etc.). In fact, it is extremely useful for any user. EQ settings and even complete setups can be saved and loaded to/from the computer and iPad. EQs for specific headphones or applications can be easily shared with others, backups can be saved/loaded, and device status can be easily copied and transferred across all supported platforms.

System requirements for ADI-2 Remote V2

The application uses the same graphics engine as DigiCheck NG, so the system requirements are the same: Windows 10 or higher and a graphics card that supports Direct3D 12. This may exclude some older computers, even if they are running Windows 10, such as those with Intel HD4600 and HD4000 integrated graphics.

Current (and required) firmware versions:

  • ADI-2 DAC: USB=81, DSP=61
  • ADI-2 Pro: USB=267, DSP=127
  • ADI-2/4 Pro SE (Hw Rev 6): USB=72, DSP=39
  • ADI-2/4 Pro SE (Hw Rev.7): USB=209, DSP=39

Downloads Windows

Windows Firmware Update Tool (FUT): https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_win.zip
Windows app with installer, v2.0: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2remote_win.zip

Downloads Mac

Mac Firmware Update Tool (FUT): https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_mac.zip
Mac app with installer, v2.0: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2remote_mac.zip

Updated ADI-2 Remote 2.0 manual

English:  https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2remote_e.pdf

Hope you'll enjoy exploring the new features!


MusicNetwork AG