PWM Malevolent
PWM Malevolent

Malevolent - NEW distributed by MusicNetwork AG

We are pleased to add the innovative manufacturer PWM to our distribution program! We think this is an exciting partnership because PWM is a company that's always looking for ways to make things better. At Superbooth21, PWM successfully introduced the first Synthesizer Malevolent. Malevolent is PWM's modular, true analog synthesizer that combines the modular and synthesizer worlds.

Developing a modular synthesizer is the musical equivalent of building a spaceship. It requires years of knowledge, strong technical skills, and working as part of a team.

Founder Paul Whittington draws on his years of experience in the music industry, having worked at Evolution Electronics, M-Audio, AVID, Focusrite and Novation.

"At every stage of the development of our products, we make sure that everything meets our fun factor. Whether it's visual, playable, intrusive, quirky, or chilling, we only care that it's fun to play with at all stages of its creation. We hope you love what we do too, otherwise what would be the point?"

Malevolent will be available in December 2021 at a price of CHF 579. Learn more about Malevolent!


MusicNetwork AG