M-Track Duo and M-Track Solo Audio Interfaces
M-Track Duo and M-Track Solo Audio Interfaces

M-Audio introduces M-Track Duo and M-Track Solo Audio Interfaces

Producers, livestreamers, and podcasters, here are the interfaces you've been waiting for. Introducing M-Track Solo and M-Track Duo from M-Audio. These new audio interfaces are designed for users who want an easy and affordable way to enter the world of computer audio recording and production! Designed for music production, live streaming, podcasting, or simply listening to music, M-Audio's M-Track Solo and M-Track Duo audio interfaces are a great portable solution for anyone looking to expand their computer's audio playback and recording capabilities.

Both the M-Track Solo and M-Track Duo audio interfaces feature M-Audio's exclusive Crystal preamps, which provide transparent, low-noise preamplification to ensure the best possible sound from your microphones and instruments. These preamps also include +48V phantom power for condenser microphones.

Both models come with a comprehensive software package that includes everything you need for professional recording. With the powerful DAWs MPC Beats, to meet the most demanding production needs, these interfaces give you everything you need to make your song, podcast or live stream sound professional. 

Learn more about M-Tack Solo or M-Track Duo 


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