US 5

The ultimate headphone amplifier

Niimbus, the new high-end label from the developers of the company Lake People

Born from the experience of over three decades Lake People development, as well as technically and visually raising the standards of the Violectric raised to a new, previously unknown level of quality, the name suffix of the Niimbus devices is therefore logically "Ultimate Series". Devices with the Niimbus label stand for a special design, exceptional technology and compromising quality - of course "Handmade in Germany".

Niimbus US 5 represents the compromise further development of the recognized, high-quality headphone amplifier from Violectric. No compromises in circuit design, component and materials were made during the three-year development effort to create a headphone amplifier with superior audiophile characteristics.

In conjunction with the oversized power supply and the associated high supply voltage, you get an extremely detailed and cleaned-up sound image that plays absolutely relaxed in any setting and with any headphones, representing every nuance of music.

The completely newly developed channel-separated and 100% analog amplifier circuit features hand-selected audiophile components and has been optimized for lowest noise and highest performance even on particularly low-impedance headphones.

Niimbus US5

The headphone amplifier cookbook

Why A HEADPHONE AMPLIFIER AT ALL ? Isn't it true that a headphone is just a small loudspeaker and therefore only needs - if at all - a small amplifier? The headphone amplifier is a device for conditioning an audio signal with the purpose of adapting it to the special characteristics of a headphone? At first glance, this doesn't sound particularly sensational and can be done with little effort. However, it turns out, as with almost everything, that the devil is in the details and a certain effort is necessary to have, if possible, an amplifier for all headphones.


  • Remote control for input selection, output selection, volume, mute
  • 3 analogue stereo inputs, 2 x unbalanced via RCA, 1 x balanced via XLR
  • - 18 … +24 dB Pre-Gain to perfectly adapt the US 5 / 5 PRO between source and headphones
  • A motorized volume control and a balance control
  • 4 powerful amps offering 7000 mW Pmax into 50 Ohm and 32 V RMS into 600 Ohm
  • Monitoring of the headphone output in terms of DC and overload
  • Headphone path and line-out path individually selectable
  • 1 balanced headphone output with 4-pin XLR
  • 1 balanced headphone output with 4,4 mm Pentaconn
  • 2 single ended outputs with 6,3 mm jack
  • 2 x Line-outputs, 1 x unbalanced via RCA, 1 x balanced via XLR
  • Adaptation of the line-out signal to the following devices in the range of +/- 12 dB
  • 2 toroidal transformers, > 50,000 uF filter capacity

Das Kopfhörerverstärker Kochbuch

WARUM ÜBERHAUPT EIN KOPFHÖRER- VERSTÄRKER ? Ist es nicht so, dass ein Kopfhörer nur ein kleiner Lautsprecher ist und des- halb lediglich – wenn überhaupt – einen kleinen Verstärker braucht? Der Kopfhörerverstärker ist ein Gerät zum Konditionieren eines Audiosignals mit dem Zweck, es auf die speziellen Besonderheiten eines Kopfhörers anzupassen? Das klingt im ersten Augenblick nicht sonderlich sensationell und kann auch mit wenig Aufwand erledigt werden. Es zeigt sich aber, wie bei fast allen Dingen, dass der Teufel im Detail steckt und ein gewisser Aufwand nötig ist, um möglichst einen Verstärker für alle Kopfhörer zu haben.




Born from the experience of over three decades Lake People development, as well as…

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